Community Health Screening
June 9th
6:00 - 10:00 AM - By Appointment Only (Deadline June 7)
Red Willow Co. Community Building
Invest In Your Health!
Our preventive care screening is a great way to know your risk factors so you can take action early and prevent disease progression!
Basic Screening Services:
Optional Services:
- Testosterone (Men 40+) - $15
- PSA (Men 40+) - $15
- Vitamin D - $30
- Registered Nurse Consultation (30 min) - $30
- Registered Dietitian Consultation (60 min) - $60
- Exercise Physiologist Consultation (60 min) - $60
This is a fasting blood test - do not eat or drink anything (except water and/or prescription medication) 10-12 hours prior to your blood draw.
Please schedule your appointment prior to Monday, June 7th and call Wellness Partners with any questions or appointment changes as early as possible.